> OK, sanity check this:
> I did an rsync of the entire running config, so I could play with the
> structure on a full distro.  I ran 'rgrep -rnB 192.168.1 ./* >ref.txt'
> the directory, and got back:

Looks about like I'd expect...

> No mention in my output of anything in dnscache.  I also poked around in
> manually, and didn't find anything.  Does this approach sound accurate and
> complete?

That's because the text "192.168.1" doesn't exist in a dnscache
configuration file...it exists as the NAME of a dnscache configuration file,
and actually, it's the slightly more generic "192.168" rather than
"192.168.1" that's used.  Go through the dnscache configuration options in
the lrcfg menu system to see how it's currently configured, and maybe do a
"find ./ -name '*192.168*'" on your directory tree...

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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