>I think I could do with a bit more documentation on what all the different
>flavours of files in /var/lib/lrpkg mean (e.g. .list, .conf, .local) 
>I know what .local does, but I'm not sure about the rest.

The files in /var/lib/lrpkg can take the following extensions.

.list list of of files to back up in full backup or in a partial 
backup if there is no .local

.local list of files to backup in a partial backup. items are 
prepended with a 'I '

.help the text that is shown when one chooses the help menu from 
lrcfg. Also the first line shows up in lrpkg -l and in the web page 
under System  Details

.version the version of the package shows up in lrpkg -l and in the 
web page under System Details.

.conf is a list of files to be referenced by lrcfg under Package 
Settings -> <package>. It is a  list of pathname title pairs. where 
the title is the text you see in the menu of lrcfg
<pathname> <title>

.exclude.list a list of files to exclude.

.bktype holds the backup type info so this will be remembered at next 
backup. (this is created by lrcfg, I think)

backdisk holds information about what packages are loaded. One 
shouldn't have to edit this unless you are creating a package.

root has a few other extensions that I haven't had to deal with but 
these are the ones that I have had to use when creating lrp packages.

Also see Charles' article at

Robert Williams

>Thanks for that info, I'll give this a try.
>I must admit I thought I had sorted it out at one point this afternoon.
>I went in and manually edited root.local and added the line
>I /root/*
>After this, when I ran lrcfg and elected to do a full backup of root, /root
>was included in the .lrp package (confirmed with tar). However, when I
>rebooted, the changes were still lost.
>When I looked closely at what was going on I could see that with the way I
>had lrpkg.conf set-up on the floppy, I didn't have an entry for the root
>package. Thus although I could backup root.lrp, it wasn't being reloaded
>when the system booted. I corrected this by adding root to the front of the
>list of packages to be loaded. Unfortunately I now have two root.lrp
>entries in the list of loaded packages (presumably because root is always
>loaded from the CDROM??) and the effect of this is to prevent any backups
>at all! Whenever I elect to backup a package (full or partial) I get an
>error about not being able to mount the backup device and the backup fails.
>I think I could do with a bit more documentation on what all the different
>flavours of files in /var/lib/lrpkg mean (e.g. .list, .conf, .local) I know
>what .local does, but I'm not sure about the rest.
>                       Robert 
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To: 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           
>                       > 
>                                                Subject:  Re: 
>[Leaf-user] How to backup /root on Dachstein-CD and need http 
>                       09/01/2002 
>Hi All,
>I had the same trouble with baking up /root. In past distributions it
>was backed up with root.lrp. I am not sure where or if it is backed
>up now. Regardless, every time I updated root.lrp I had to reinstall
>my files so  I rolled my own lrp to back up just the /root directory.
>Please feel free to use it. I named it rootdir.lrp and you can get it
>It is set to back up all of /root except /root/tmp. Please note that
>the first time you install it it will overwrite your /root folder
>with mine.  The best way to install it would be to Move your files to
>/tmp  Load rootdir.lrp manually using lrpkg -i . Then move your files
>back into root and then backup rootdir.lrp. I have not tested this
>install method but it sounds like it would work. Of corse you hove a
>backup :).
>Hope this helps
>Robert Williams
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