> > Never mind the patch, I'm way over thinking this......sorry!
> >
> > The simplest route will be to edit your 'network.conf' file as
> > suggested by Charles.
> >
> > Note this:
> >
> > # CONFIG_DNS=(YES/NO)                   Default: NO
> > # Create /etc/resolv.conf file using DOMAINS and DNSx entries.
> > # Any current resolv.conf file will be **OVERWRITTEN**
> >
> > Scroll down (most of the file) to the DNS config, change to "YES" and
> > simply enter your desired information. It will NOT be changed with
> > this option. Charles has already accounted for this bug, sorry I
> > went braindead. It seems to be my weekend.
> Please, pay careful attention to my posts.  Notice, that this problem
> does *not* occur at bootup; rather, it occurs later on ;>
> Yes, I have *always* used CONFIG_DNS=YES, which is why this problem is
> so surprising!

OK, a few points of order:

- The dhcp client *WILL* overwrite your /etc/resolv.conf file...that's what
it's *supposed* to do.  When you think about it, the dhcp client has no idea
you're getting a static IP assigned, and don't want name resolution
configuration changed unless you explicitly tell it.

- You can explicitly append, pre-pend, and replace information from the dhcp
server using entries in /etc/dhclient.conf...that's why it's there.

- If you assign CONFIG_DNS=YES in /etc/network.conf, *AND* you're running
dhclient, you have two pieces of software trying to update the same
file...you should expect problems.  I suggest setting CONFIG_DNS=NO in
network.conf if you're running dhclient, and this is how my disk images are

- While it would be possible to remove the code (or over-ride the specific
procedure) that writes /etc/resolv.conf, I would advise against taking this
sort of approach...using the built-in hooks for defining specific settings
(/etc/dhclient.conf) is the "approved" way to do this, and will be easier to
understand/maintain/upgrade in the future.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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