On Wednesday 16 January 2002 12:30, Alex McLintock wrote:

Comments inline:
> I am after advice because my first DachStein (floppy) installation is
> stuck. I am not getting any response from my ISP except for the
> initial DHCP....

OK, do you know this for sure? More later on this.

> I had some problems getting the D-Link 528's to be recognised but
> that was because I thought they were tulip based (like other later
> D-Links). They required pci_scan, ne2k_pci, and 8390 to all be
> enabled/uncommented.

Almost all pci cards (if not all) will require the pci-scan module now
with the major re-write Donald Becker did. He took code that was used
in virtually every pci NIC and made it into the pci-scan module. The
new tulip module uses it too.

> My Internet provider is NTL:Home which is a UK based cable company. I
> know that that is working to some extent because I can get it working
> with a single windows98 box. I can configure it with DHCP and bobs
> your uncle.

Good, you can open a "run..." dialog box and enter "winipcfg", select
your Nic in the adapter box, and push the "more info" button to get
info on your Gateway and dns server ip addresses.

> I then got DachStein DENYing absolutely everything that tried to
> leave the box. Happily a document on the sourceforge site gave me a
> clue. It said there was a single line in the Eiger network.conf file
> which denied any access when the external IP address was a "local"
> one such as 192.168.X.X or 10.X.X.X etc. "Hooray" says I. I have been
> getting addresses in the 10. range from my ISP. So I edit the file
> (1, 2 in lrfg) and find not one, but three lines which mention DENY
> and 10. ip address ranges. I comment them all out.

Hmmm, I only remember one setup that you had to comment out on
Eigerstein. Dachstein may be different though.

> So now I have a firewall which doesn't DENY packets going to the
> outside world but it doesn't seem to do anything with them.

OK, the results of :
        ip addr show
        ip route show
        netstat -i
and     dmesg

would be very helpful to us, otherwise we're guessing w/o a clue. You
can put these outputs to a new blank floppy with a set of commands like

        mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt
        ip addr show > /mnt/ip_addr_show.txt
        <command 2> > /mnt/<command_2.txt>
        etc.... for more commands
        cd /
        umount /mnt

You can then send them from windows or another linux box .

> If I log in to the box and try pinging the outside world (eg
> ping www.yahoo.com
> or
> ping
> )
> I get no response, 100% packet loss.

OK, dns isn't working... is the right NIC attached to the cablemodem?
Have you tried switching them? Sounds like the NIC isn't loaded right
or hasn't gotten any info from the dhcp server to me.

> Any idea on what I should do now? I can't see any kind of traceroute
> function on the standard DachStein installation. Is that what I
> should look for?

commands above should give a good idea!

> PS I don't know what my ISP's DNS server is. Does that matter or will
> DHCP pick that up for me?

Linux doesn't always take the dns entry's from a dhcp server depending
on how the ISP's dhcp server is set up, you may have to enter it
manually, we'll see it doesn't sound like the NIC is working right to
me yet.


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!



~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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