Kenneth Hadley
PC Network Specialist
McCormick Selph Inc.
831-637-3731 x363

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Leaf-devel] Re: [Leaf-user] glibc & pppoe...

> On Fri, 18 January 2002, "Kenneth Hadley" wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Charles Steinkuehler" > > Well, I *have* effectevly abandoned the
1440 floppy format (for anything
> > > other than the config floppy for a CD-ROM install), but I really want
> > > keep a workable firewall running on a 1680K floppy.  Note the new
> > Dachstein
> > > releases are actually *SMALLER* than the previous EigerStein releases,
> > while
> > > supporting more features!
> > >
> > > Charles Steinkuehler
> >
> > For which many of us are very grateful for your work Charles. Except for
> > config I'm under the opinion that the floppy is dead. In computer
> > its a stagnate dinosaur whose time for retirement has long been late,
> > however its reliability and being available on almost every PC has made
> > live on much longer than it should.
> > If the advancement of the various projects in LEAF means goodbye to the
> > floppy, then so be it.
> >
> > I look forward to all further improvements in all the various LEAF
> >
> > Kenneth Hadley
> I like to have the floppy configuration avaiable.  While it is 'old'
technology, there remain many who cannot afford flash w/ide adaptors, etc.
Since I have inheritted several older systems, it costs me little to nothing
to set one up for someone.  And while one or two have CD Rom drives, all
have floppy drives.
> If they had to buy a flash or DOC, then they might as well buy a Linksys.
With the LEAF floppy systems, I have found that half the folks get more
interested in networking and Linux, which I regard as a plus.
> -sp
> $0.02

I totally understand and agree with most of what you have said, but when I
look at new CDROM drives going for the same price tag of a new 1.44MB Floppy
Drive it seams a more than a little funny that a old floppy drive is a more
important media target for a project than something that is a lot more
reliable and allows the project to do so much more.

Of course this is just my .02 cents worth.......and about a $1.98 short of
something that makes sense ;-)

-Kenneth Hadley

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