On Fri, 18 January 2002, "Kenneth Hadley" wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charles Steinkuehler" > > Well, I *have* effectevly abandoned the 1440 floppy 
>format (for anything
> > other than the config floppy for a CD-ROM install), but I really want to
> > keep a workable firewall running on a 1680K floppy.  Note the new
> Dachstein
> > releases are actually *SMALLER* than the previous EigerStein releases,
> while
> > supporting more features!
> >
> > Charles Steinkuehler
> For which many of us are very grateful for your work Charles. Except for a
> config I'm under the opinion that the floppy is dead. In computer technology
> its a stagnate dinosaur whose time for retirement has long been late,
> however its reliability and being available on almost every PC has made it
> live on much longer than it should.
> If the advancement of the various projects in LEAF means goodbye to the
> floppy, then so be it.
> I look forward to all further improvements in all the various LEAF projects.
> Kenneth Hadley
I like to have the floppy configuration avaiable.  While it is 'old' technology, there 
remain many who cannot afford flash w/ide adaptors, etc.  Since I have inheritted 
several older systems, it costs me little to nothing to set one up for someone.  And 
while one or two have CD Rom drives, all have floppy drives.

If they had to buy a flash or DOC, then they might as well buy a Linksys.  With the 
LEAF floppy systems, I have found that half the folks get more interested in 
networking and Linux, which I regard as a plus.


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