> I'm a little confused about how to set up the network.conf to
> work with
> diald and ppp.  Diald sets up a proxy interface called 'sl0'
> to monitor for
> network traffic.  This is the default route until diald
> starts up ppp.  Then
> the default route switches to 'ppp0'.
> My question is how does someone set up the rules to apply to
> both sl0 and
> ppp0, especially when ppp0 won't exist at the time the rules
> are setup?  Do

I can't recall any reports of diald being used with any of the
"mountain" versions of LEAF/LRP, so you may be exploring new ground. In
general, however, you use the IF_AUTO and IF_LIST variables in
network.conf to configure your interfaces. For example, you could use:

IF_AUTO = "eth0 sl0"

This automatically starts sl0, but leaves diald in charge of configuring

> I need to use ip-up and ip-down scripts to change the firewall rules
> depending upon the state of sl0 and ppp0?  Does anyone know
> how I might use
> network.conf with ip-up and ip-down?

Normally, a script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d starts the firewall when ppp0
comes up. Perhaps someone more familiar with the Dachstein scripts can
tell you how to use the built-in firewall functions for ppp0 without
restarting the ppp0 interface. It might be easier to use a separate
firewall package like seawall or echowall.

> Thanks for the help!
> Mark

Good luck!


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