Tom Atwater wrote:


There is a newer Dachstein-PPPoE package available here:

>The current problem I have is this:
>When Earthlink updates the dynamic IP,
>the LRP box does not update the port forwarding
>"from" address with the new dynamic IP.
That's wierd. That means that the firewall rules aren't reloaded (or 
there is a bug in the firewall scripts).

>So the web and ssh servers are no longer accessible
>from the outside.
>If I reboot the LRP box, everything is fine, 
>but that is a manual process, and naturally
>I want it to be automatic.
>I know what the LRP commands are to update the
>"from" IP for port forwarding:
># Get new dynamic IP
>EXT_IP=`/sbin/ip addr show dev ppp0 | grep inet | cut -f2 -d' '`
># Clear old port fwd entries
>/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -f
># Add entries with new dynamic IP
>/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -n -a -P tcp -L <dynamic_ip> 22 22
>/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -n -a -P tcp -L <dynamic_ip> 80 80
If you use the Eigerstein builtin firewall you should reload/restart the 
firewall like this:

svi network ipfilter reload

The firewall scripts should read the ip-address from the external 
interface (if properly configured) and adjust the portforwarding 
accordingly. Tell me if it doesn't work.

>The LRP box does not have crontab, ssh, or telnet on it,
>so I seemingly can't run a cron job or 
>update it from the internal Linux box.
You can edit /etc/crontab; /etc/cron.daily; /etc/cron.hourly or 
/etc/cron.monthly directly. So it is possible to add a cronjob. If you 
want remote access (and have enough disk-space left) you can install 
either Jacques Nilo's OpenSSH packages or my lsh packages 
( and respectively).

>I tried to add these commands to the Roaring Penguin adsl-connect
>script that runs when Earthlink changes the dynamic IP,
>but it didn't work.
Try adding the "svi network ipfilter reload" instead and see if that works.

>Anyone have any ideas how I can do this?
I do! :-)

Hope this helps,

Ewald Wasscher

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