Hi Ewald,

Thank you for your reply.

--- Ewald Wasscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is a newer Dachstein-PPPoE package available here:
> http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/khadley/

I will check this out if I can't get my existing distro
to work.

> If you use the Eigerstein builtin firewall you should reload/restart the 
> firewall like this:
> svi network ipfilter reload
> The firewall scripts should read the ip-address from the external 
> interface (if properly configured) and adjust the portforwarding 
> accordingly. Tell me if it doesn't work.

Yes, when I run this manually, the 
port fwd IP does indeed update correctly.

> >
> >I tried to add these commands to the Roaring Penguin adsl-connect
> >script that runs when Earthlink changes the dynamic IP,
> >but it didn't work.
> >
> Try adding the "svi network ipfilter reload" instead and see if that works.

I did, but couldn't get it to work.

>From what I can gather, the pppd daemon is in a wait state
internally, until it detects the DSL signal is dropped.
Then it exits to the adsl-connect script, which loops back
to call the daemon again (using setsid, which I am not familiar with.)
The daemon reconnects to the new IP, then goes back into wait 
(or polling) state.

Therefore inserting commands in adsl-connect will have no effect.
I only have adsl-connect as a script, pppd is an executable.
So it seems there is nowhere to insert the avi command easily.
Or maybe you have an idea?

Maybe the only solution is to run a cron job that checks
once a minute if the new IP and the port fwd IP are different,
and if so, run avi?

Appreciate your help very much,

PS. For reference, here are two of the Roaring Penguin scripts:

The change I attempted was in adsl-connect, near the 
bottom of the file.

Tom Atwater

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