>>- once the document is submitted, how do I go about changing stuff? (I 
>>only just recently started toying with html at all, so maybe the doc looks 
>>terrible, and I'd like to change something or maybe something is just 
>>plain wrong and should be righted)
>You have to be a developer for our project to modify the document once it 
>is submitted. All of the DocManager documents are modified in our CVS 
>repository. You can always submit a bug report against the FAQ to correct 

Here is a wild idea that I have seen, not sure if it would help here......

SquirrelMail ( http://www.squirrelmail.org ) does their documentation in
Wiki ( http://tavi.sourceforge.net/ ).
Wiki allows ANYONE to edit webpages. It appears that changes are recorded
in a backend ( roll back destructive changes ?? ).

It is a new concept in documentation, I think LEAF could benefit by using
Wiki. I know I would like to add some documentation or fix some broken
links :-)

Looking for comments.....

-Steve More

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