Running DCD 102 booting off a floppy using openssh 3.0p1.

When I attempt to ssh into the DCD router from the local network using the
latest puTTY client, I receive the following error message:

Network error: connection refused.

The hosts.allow file allows access from the local network as follows:


ps aux shows the following:

  PID  Uid     Stat Command
    1 root     S    init
    2 root     S    [kflushd]
    3 root     S    [kupdate]
    4 root     S    [kswapd]
    5 root     S    [keventd]
    6 root     S    [mdrecoveryd]
 1086 root     S    /usr/sbin/dhclient eth0
 1275 root     S    /sbin/syslogd -m 240
 1277 root     S    /sbin/klogd
 1281 root     S    /usr/sbin/inetd
 1285 root     S    /usr/sbin/watchdog
 1288 root     S    /usr/sbin/cron
 1309 tinydns  S    /usr/bin/tinydns
 1334 dnscache S    /usr/bin/dnscache
 1335 root     S    -sh
 1336 root     S    /sbin/getty 38400 tty2
 2331 sh-httpd S    sh /usr/sbin/sh-httpd
 2367 sh-httpd S    sh /var/sh-www/cgi-bin/viewsys
 2368 sh-httpd S    sleep 1
 2369 sh-httpd S    cat
 2370 sh-httpd S    sh /var/sh-www/cgi-bin/viewsys
 2447 sh-httpd R    ps aux

I don't see any entry for the sshd daemon.

I followed the instructions in the DCD documentation for generating the keys
and made a partial backup.  But no dice.

What am I missing here?


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