Hey Steve,

all your questions or comments are preceded by [sj], mine are not...

[sj] Seems to me there is another way of starting this or another 
packagefrom a init script or something (going by the line above which reads 
OPTIONS="-i .... that looks like in comes out of a conf file)but I have not 
figured that much out yet with Linux! Maybe by editing etc/init.d/LaBrea ??

Thats correct - my OPTIONS="..." line is directly pulled from 

[sj]Question about this Charles, on your web site you give instructions on 
how tokeeping it running in promiscuous mode.  But here you state to stop it 
from running in promiscuous mode.

[sj]What does running in promiscuous mode mean?

Running in promiscuous mode means that the NIC listens for packets destined 
to any MAC address.  I have not disabled this, but I don't think that it 
matters with the -x switch (as it's only listening to its own IP, and is 
only grabbing packets destined for the external interface's MAC/IP).  Of 
course I could be wrong.

[sj]  dst host
[sj]  and tcp[2:2] & 0xfc00 == 0
[sj]  and not dst port (22)

[sj] I only use ssh (internally, not from outside the house so do I still 
need to specify line three here?) and no other forwarding services, unless 
weblet.lrp would be considered a service, again I only use weblet 
internally.  I do not access weblet or ssh from "outside" my home network.

Nope you don't need the third line.

[sj] Let me state what I see the differences are between Charles and Simons 
ideas here, both agree on what the dst host should be which is the IP of 
eth0. Charles is including tcp ports <1024 which means he is including line 
3in his example. Simon only wants to check ports 80 and 21, thus he would 
not need line 3 of Charles example.  Am I right or am I missing something 

No you aren't - while I'm not exactly sure what the 2nd line does in 
Charles' example (like I said not exactly much of a scripter), it does look 
like its blocking way more ports than mine.  I just choose 80 and 21 as 
example ports (I'm blocking a few more choice ones, like common NetBus 
targets, etc).

[sj] Simon, if I were to create /etc/LaBrea.bpf using Charles example of 
three lines instead of what you appear to be using as one line, would your 
script work?  That is by first creating /etc/LaBrea.tmp which would read
[sj] dst host
[sj]  and tcp[2:2] & 0xfc00 == 0
[sj]  and not dst port (22)

[sj]The reason I ask this is because when writing Lisp code, if the code 
needs to read from or write to an another file, I know you have to specify 
in the code which line of text/code you want to work with.

No as long as the code being called in the script is the same you should be 
fine, you're just going to have to change the order of Charles' filter to:

tcp[2:2] & 0xfc00 == 0
  and not dst port (22)
  and dst host

You'll need to do that because the IP has to go after the "and dst host " 
and my script just appends it to the end of the file.  What the code is 
doing is catting the temp file to a filter, then grepping your ip and adding 
it to the end of the filter.  If you want to be sure, you could always place 
the "and dst host " on its own line in the temp file - then it upon 
generation of the filter you'd have "and dst host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" as a line 
all to itself.  Either way, ensure you have a space after the word host! 
(thats important)

[sj] My question about this Simon, is when dhclient-exit-hooks runs and 
comes up to svi LaBrea start, it seems that the options are not included and 
LaBrea will run without any options, specifically the -x option at a bare 
minimum is needed.  Maybe this has something to do about my question above 
concerning how to start LaBrea from a init script.

You're right it does have to do with the init script.  svi Labrea start will 
call LaBrea with the options entered into the script in init.d.  This makes 
starting daemon's and processes much easier (who's gonna remember all the 
switches after a year of uptime??)

[sj] One last concern I am thinking about, is that maybe I should contact my 
ISP and let them know that I am considering to use LaBrea. Is this a good or 
bad idea?

I wouldn't do it.  As long as your ISP is allowing you a constant 
connection, you _should_ be able to do whatever you want with it - as long 
as it doesn't negatively affect other users, which LaBrea won't.  I have 
LaBrea log to a text file on another server, and generate a web page with 
stats on where packets are coming from and what port they are going to etc. 
, you're not eating up a tonne of bandwidth if you have broadband, and if 
enough people were running LaBrea it would actually end up being in an ISP's 
best interest to have it's users running it, as it will eventually make 
scanning too time consuming to be feasable.


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