Hi Scott,

So you can now have Windows client connections from outside the LRP
to your Samba server inside the Firewall?

Is it working for you?

Also, what is on port 445? I do not know that one.


> Lonnie:
>       Heya. Here's what I put into the SMB section of the
> echowall ruleset:
> #SMB#$IPCHAINS -A input -s 0/0 -d $IP_EXT/32 135 -p tcp -j ACCEPT
> #SMB#$IPCHAINS -A input -s 0/0 -d $IP_EXT/32 137:139 -p udp -j
> ACCEPT #SMB#$IPCHAINS -A input -s 0/0 -d $IP_EXT/32 139 -p tcp -j
> #SMB#$IPCHAINS -A input -s 0/0 -d $IP_EXT/32 445 -p tcp -j ACCEPT
>       I'm not sure if all of them are needed for every
> SAMBA session, but I'd be hesitant to leave any out...
> cheers,
> Scott
>> I have been having some trouble to be able to use Samba across
>> my LRP. Has anyone had luck with this?
>> I have port-forwarded netbios-ns, netbios-dgm, netbios-ssn ports
>> on tcp/udp 137,138,139 but still I cannot connect to my Samba
>> server which is on a Linux Redhat 7.2 box from outside the
>> firewall.
>> I can connect while I am inside the firewall from my Winsows ME
>> machine with no problems.
>> Is there some way to fix this?
>> Best Regards,
>> Lonnie

 Lonnie Cumberland
 OutStep Technologies Incorporated

 The Basis Express Virtual Office
 Data Backup and Recovery Services

 URL: http://www.basis-express.com

"The Virtual Office without boundries!!!"

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