Yeech, you seems to want to broadcast all that NetBIOS stuff
into the WAN connection that we're all spending years trying
to block :(

First, I will warn you .... opening those ports on your firewall
with any OS (particuarly the Win9x/ME group) is pretty much
like using a piece of cardboard to stop a tank. Opening up
ssh/sftp or IPSec would be _highly_ recommended to doing NetBIOS. 

In fact, I am not sure that this would work at all w/o VPN because
of the name resolution and MAC addressing. I wouldn't suggest
WINS here at all, but you may come up with something possibly 
with a hosts or lmhosts file(s) on both computers. WINS addressing
and DNS are similar, yet worlds apart in reality which makes me
think that this would be very difficult to accomplish regardless of
what you do to the firewall.

In my experience, I would either do ftp w/address filtering (and
permissions), VPN, or ssh/sftp with the emphasis on the latter

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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