Charles, a coupl'a suggestions for your list...

- (in case it were to slip through) network.conf: the non-need for -a, 
-P, -L, etc parms in INTERN_SERVERx
- possibly consider a dhclient that supports releasing one's ip address 
- my guess is that dhclient v3 will be approx 24k more than the current 
- consider inclusion of some method of handling MAC address - at least 
for eth0. My method of modifying dhclient-enter-hooks works but isn't so 
graceful. Robert Sprockeels' method is more graceful (settings made via 
network.conf) but doesn't work for machines using dhclient on eth0.

Thanks as always,

Charles Steinkuehler wrote:

>It looks like it's getting to be time for a new Dachstein release.  There
>are a number of minor bugs to fix in the system scripts, and (more
>importantly) security updates to some of the packages on the CD (SNMP and
>My current ToDo list consists of the following.  Please post if you think
>something else should be added to this list, or are willing to try your hand
>at implementing some of the listed changes.
>- Support multiple mount points in space-check multicron script (currently,
>only the root partition is checked)
>- Fix ping check e-mail functionality
>- Fix package not found bug in /linuxrc (duplicates appear in package list
>if a package is not found)
>- Fix updatetime() in /etc/multicron-p
>- Fix mount.back dev = "" POSIXness bug
>- Add example lrpkg.cfg to CD Contents
>- Add example pkgpath.cfg to CD Contents
>- Alter weblet disk-ch
>ecking script to ignore CD-ROM (always 100% full)
>Package updates:
>  libz
>  snmp
>Charles Steinkuehler
> ( mirror)
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