On Thursday 18 April 2002 08:23, Ed Tetz wrote:
> Jason,
> I am currently trying to make a rescue disk that supports SMB and
> NTFS. I have all the files, but I need more space. I have already
> pared down the modules, and in my case I got rid of the IP_ modules
> as well. I am still about 100K too large and I was looking at delete
> some of the other executables on the system.

Well, 100K is *huge* if you've already removed any unneeded packages
and modules. Your going to have a very hard time making that much
space possible.

> One that I don't think I need is edit->editor->e3, other than that
> one, can you suggest any other files that would free up the space? I
> don't need any firewall or routing files, just a NIC, NTFS, and SMB.

Removing the e3 will make editing a file impossible from your image....
I don't imagine that is what you are after. The only routing/firewall
file that would still allow connectivity to a network would be
/etc/ipfilter.conf.... you will also need to eliminate the references to
this file in /etc/init.d/network, /etc/dhclient-*-hooks, etc.....
Doing this really won't really put a dent in the amount of space you
are looking to find. 

IMHO, you would be more likely to save the needed space by compiling
a custom kernel with the fs-support and your particular NIC module(s)
and bypassing module support altogether. But that is just my two cents

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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