> I'm putting in a wireless link from friends in city to farm for faster
> Internet access and need to have a remote repeater site on hill running
> from battery and solar power. LEAF should be ideal for this. I will make
> a power supply to run the mother board direct from the battery to reduce
> losses (about %15) from using Inverter and PC supply.  Sun power might
> be free but solar panels are not cheap, so the lower the losses and
> power requirements the better.
> so questions repeated for clarity:
> - Will I reduce power requirements by using a 386 Mobo in repeater site?

Probably not, or at least not a lot.  If you're worried about power
consumption, you need to get a current single-chip embedded type PC.  The
smaller geometry of the current chips, combined with less I/O lines in the
"all-in-one-chip" solution (it takes much more power to drive an external
signal than an on-chip signal) will reduce your power needs substantially
over any "conventional" motherboard.

IIRC, you can get the "all-in-one" single-chip type systems with anything
from a 386 to a pentium class CPU core.  You'll have to see what fits in
your power and $$$ budget.  I think there are links to some of these sorts
of devices on the LEAF hardware page...

> - Is it worth the effort if I have to re-work one of the LEAF's to run
> on 386?

Probably...see below

> - What would be required to get to run on 386?

Compile a kernel for a 386 system.  That's it...everything else will "just

> - Anyone know of problems using Symbols Spectrum24 2Mbps ISA cards on
> low spec machines with LEAF distros?

Not I...

> - Is there a LEAF distro you can recommend for this?

I'd say Dachstein, but I'm biased :)  Actually, I'd use whatever makes
talking to your Spectrum24 cards easy...

> - Anyone tried WRP, would it work ok in a repeater only situation?

No experience with this...sorry :<

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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