> The problem-
> All 3 kayaks can see and read/write to each other.
> 2 of the kayaks can get to the internet and 1 cannot.
> gateway
> connects to switch1 and cable modem
> switch1
> connects to gateway, switch2, kayak2, kayak3
> switch2
> connects to switch1, kayak1, samba server, development server
> All Kayaks can see everything on our side of the gateway.
> Kayak1 and 2, the samba and development servers can get out to the
> internet. Kayak 3 cannot get past the gateway.
> All tcp/ip settings are the same.(?) All use dhcp for their ip's.

I doubt it...

> Could it be that some application on Kayak3 is preventing internet
> access. Seems unlikely but may be possible. All Kayaks contain similar
> configurations.

I would suspect a configuration or application problem with Kayak3.  If
you're running any sort of application level firewall on the machines, make
sure it's configured to allow access to the internet.  Barring any problems
from firewalls running on the Kayak, your problem is probably configuration
related.  Verify the networking configuration of the Kayaks...make sure TCP
is configured (an preferrably no other protocols, unless
required...specifically, TCP and netbios is a bad combination), with TCP
setup to auto-configure via dhcp.

It sounds like you may have checked this already, in which case click over
to the "advanced" portion of your tcp settings, and verify your DNS and WINS
settings (should be set to automatic).  It's possible to create a problem
like you describe if you've got a bad DNS server manually entered (won't
automatically get over-ridden by DHCP), and are trying to access the 'net
using FQDN's, rather than IP's.  Another test for this is to try accessing
something on the 'net by IP address.

If you're still stuck, post more details about exactly what "Kayak 3 cannot
get past the gateway" means (ie specific errors from specific
tests...preferrably command-line pings by hostname and IP).

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)


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