Hello all dear LEAF users !

Many thanks to Paul M. Wright, Jr.,  Eric Wolzak and Sjaak Aarnoutse for their
quick reply to my request. This mailing list is realy very wonderfull !

I have contacted the Eicon's Diva Server boards french agent.
They have in their catalog some exciting cards for ISDN :
- DIVA Server BRI (standard 2 channels D + one channel B)
- DIVA Server 4BRI (8 channels D + 4 channels B)
- DIVA Server PRI-0M (? simmultaneous channels on PRI Line)
- DIVA Server PRI-4M (4 simmultaneous channels on PRI Line)
- DIVA Server PRI-8M (8 simmultaneous channels on PRI Line)
- DIVA Server PRI-30M (30 simmultaneous channels on PRI Line)
- DIVA Server T1/PRI-4M (4 channels on T1 or PRI line)
- DIVA Server T1/PRI-8M (8 channels on T1 or PRI line)
- DIVA Server T1/PRI-24M (24 channels on T1 or PRI line)

This appears to be a good way to waste a minimum of IRQs.

They seems all to be abble to authorize transfert in both analog/fax + ISDN mode
except the PRI-OM who seems to be DIGITAL MODE only for low cost.

I will ask "a lot of questions" to the french agent about Linux drivers.

I will feedback any information and/or difficulties that I will meet in my project.
I want to test this configuration before september on real application field.
I hope to be in the right way...

Thanks again for all help.

Best Regards to all readers.
François BERGERET / France


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