Using Bering:
Linux yoreach 2.4.18 #1 Sun Apr 21 12:50:34 CEST 2002 i686 unknown

with Shorewall 1.2.12. I'm MASQ'ing the local net to the outside, except for a
few servers which are using Static NAT.


net     Net             Internet
loc     Local           Local networks


net     eth0            detect          routefilter
loc     eth1            detect          routestopped

All my policies are set to ACCEPT, for testing purposes. My RULES file is
unmodified. So the firewall is wide open, right?

Problem: from my MASQ'ed boxes, I can see the whole 'NET - except for the
Static NAT boxes. But I can see the Static NAT boxes from the outside. Also,
the Static NAT boxes can see each other (even using the public IP addresses).

It is not a DNS problem, as using the public IP addresses is no better (the
private IP addresses work fine). 

I'm stumped. How do I troubleshoot this?

[I noticed these errors in syslog:

Jun 18 21:24:18 yoreach kernel: eth0: Transmit error, Tx status register 82.
Jun 18 21:24:18 yoreach kernel: Probably a duplex mismatch.  See
Jun 18 21:24:18 yoreach kernel:   Flags; bus-master 1, dirty 249226(10) current
Jun 18 21:24:18 yoreach kernel:   Transmit list 00000000 vs. c3fed480.
Jun 18 21:24:18 yoreach kernel:   0: @c3fed200  length 80000226 status 00010226


Nachman Yaakov Ziskind, EA, LLM         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law 
Economic Group Pension Services
Actuaries and Employee Benefit Consultants

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