Tom Eastep wrote (on Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 05:48:16PM -0700):
| On Sun, 23 Jun 2002, Nachman Yaakov Ziskind wrote:
| > 
| > [I have no clue what Bind 9 views is, or how to set it up. But I suspect
| > it involves doing things through DNS. I further suspect it will be like
| > pulling teeth with every w/s pointing to my ISP's DNS servers. I suppose
| > I *could* just load a hosts file on every workstation. Ouch.]
| >
| Now who is being sarcastic? 

Not I, Brother Tom. :-)

| It is possible to run a DNS server that only serves your local hosts. If
| you are using DHCP to configure your local hosts, changing the DNS servers
| is trivial.  It sounds like you are configuring your hosts statically
| though; in that case, requests from your local network that are addressed
| to your ISP's servers can be transparently redirected to this local DNS
| server so that you don't have to change your local host's configuration.
| Setting up the redirection involves adding two Shorewall rules.

This sounds like more work than I'd like to do (right now); maybe later.

Actually, I have two local DNS servers, one running NT and the other SCO Unix
(for extra credit, guess which DNS server crashes three times a day :-)

Eventually, I'll train the clients to query the local servers, as soon as I'm
convinced that the situation is stable.

| In either case, you would have to learn how to set up a DNS server.

Been there, done that. Got the tee shirt.

| Network administration is more than inserting a CD and clicking a couple
| of Yes/No boxes. To do it right, you actually have to learn something. 
| Sorry....

With six years of Unix admin under my belt, and having just programmed a Cisco
Pix 506 (to do essentially what Bering will do, someone wants the Pix back :-()
I take gentle umbrage at your last.


Thanks for your help to date.

In another post you mentioned, 

"Groan -- you mentioned at the outset that you are running Shorewall 1.2.12
yet I referred you to the 1.3.x FAQ. My bad... The syntax for 1.2.x is

but didn't supply the syntax. Having read both the (1.2) documentation and the
(1.3) FAQ, and being somewhat bleary-eyed, I was wondering if you could post
the correct syntax.



Nachman Yaakov Ziskind, EA, LLM         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law 
Economic Group Pension Services
Actuaries and Employee Benefit Consultants

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