On Monday 24 June 2002 19:24, Ping Kwong wrote:
> I tried getting the image working but for the life of me can't get
> passed loading the network modules.  I've done several of Charles'
> LRP on floppies and even on CD-ROM without a problem and even Bering.
>  But when I try to load this image from floppy after replacing it
> with the proper network modules it errors out.  

The modules are exactly the same as the Dachstein floppy image, 
except for the fact that I stripped most of the NIC modules out.
You should use the modules from the "2.2.19-small" tree from 
Charles site for the ipsec-floppy image. I haven't heard of anyone
including myself having this particular error, but the rtl8139 chipset
can be picky about the "correct" module. Which revision is the chipset?

> I've tried both
> versions rtl8139.o and 8139too.o and even the via-rhine.o module is
> having problems loading.  When it tries the RTL8139 it does see a
> card initially and tells me it's MAC address and what the current
> setting of the card is then says the line is locked or something to
> that effect. Could my ipsec.conf settings have an effect on whether
> the modules not load?

ipsec has no effect on the card and module loading. It shouldn't effect
any other browsing or networking other than the subnet(s)/host(s) that
are defined in ipsec.conf. It would appear to be a hardware/module
problem to me. Any information regarding this (/var/log/syslog, etc...)
should help you get your system up.

I hope this helps,

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

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