> hda: Hitachi CVM2.1.0, ATA DISK drive
> ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
> Mounting a 16M TMPFS filesystem...
vhda: 250368 sectors (128 MB) w/1KiB Cache, CHS=978/8/32
> Partition check:
>  hda: hda1
>  hda: hda1
>  hda: hda1
> VFS: busy inodes on changed media.
> LINUXRC: Installing -  root: /dev/hda1  etc: /dev/hda1  local:
/dev/hda1  modules: /dev/hda1 shorwall: /dev/hda1  weblet: /dev/hda1 -
> ...
> Does the "Partition check:" look right?  Should it have "hda: hda1"
three times in succession?  Should VFS report that there were "busy
inodes on changed media"?  Thanks for all of the support to date!!!

I'm not sure if this is applicable, but please remember there are two
different FAT partition table formats:  the "Floppy" partition table,
with one big partition on the whole device, and the "HDD" partition
table, which includes four partitions (generally referred to as
"primary" partitions).

Just a wild-a$$-guess, but you might get something like the above if
your drive has a floppy partition table instead of a HDD partition
table.  What does "fdisk -l /dev/hda" show (dash "ell", not dash one)?

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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