
I've been trying to get some Linmodem drivers to work correctly with Bering
1.0-rc3.  The drivers work on my p350 with RedHat installed with both the
2.4.0 & 2.4.9-13 kernels.  After compiling I end up with 2 files - pctel.o &
ptserial.o.  I've put both of these in /lib/modules & made changes to
/etc/modules (is this the right place?).  I've tried listing them before the
network module (tulip.o, which it does load), between the network module &
the ppp modules (slhc, ppp_generic, ppp_async, & ppp_deflate), & after the
ppp modules.

Going through syslog it seems to do some strange things, but syslog looks
the same no matter where I list the 2 modules -

VFS: Disk change detected on device fd(2,44)
Linux Tulip driver version 0.9.15-pre9 (Nov 6, 2001)
PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:0e.0
IRQ routing confliect for 00:0e.0, have irq5, want irq 11
eth0: ADMtek Comet rev 17 at 0xca81b000, 00:03:6D:14:4B:88, IRQ 5.
CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
PPP generic driver version 2.4.1
PPP Deflate Compression module registered

This is on the exact same system I've been running RedHat on (I wanted to
test it on a system I knew worked).  My only problem is I'm unsure where
RedHat has the startup modules listed or else I'd check that to see how it
loads these modules & in what order.  eth0 is a LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 LAN
Card & the drivers disk has tulip.c (I did not compile this though, I used
the tulip.o in the Bering Modules tar).

I've also tried to view because the weblet module is running,
but I get an error saying it can't find the server. brings
up an invalid syntax error, & pinging it times out.  I would try pinging
out, but I'm unfamiliar with the linux networking tools :(


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