Is Bering GNU?

I'm beginning to have my doubts. Where is /usr/src/linux/.config?  Where
are the other compile time options for other binaries?  Just how was
Bering_1.0-rc3_img_bering_1680.bin made?

After spending a good part of a week, and _all_ day Friday getting up a
Bering router before a deadline -- subsequently missing the first day of
a conference -- I looked back at what was the problem. I
discovered I was hacking around a product (the Bering image) much like
the manner of before I used Linux. I have this disk image, that I mount
to find, compressed archives, containing finely tailored scripts and a
handful of binaries. Together they make up the GNU Bering.  (And maybe
other leaf versions as well.)

I have hunted all over and for the source, or even a file that says
version xx.yy.zz of busybox was compiled with the following patch and
compile time options. Or maybe a tgz of the /usr/local/src/bering where
the image was made? Nothing. I find myself writing scripts to extract
and compress lrp files. Surely everyone doesn't gzip -c9 what they made
by tar cf after mounting and extracting their first floppy image?  Is
this the intended way to indoctrinate new developers to the old school?

I even asked a few well read LUG groups what the lrp format was, or
how I could run the lrcfg that I read about without actually booting
the distro.  Nobody knew because the design is not conducive to group
development, it's intended use is like that of proprietary software --
take the binary, configure it with the configuration menu and be like
everyone else.

Okay, I just found the developer.rtf and scanned the whole thing.
Formidable task, but I only see part of the forest and none of the
trees. I already know linux and there seem to be some very specific LRP
details in there, but will it be done before it's out of date? I'm
not saying produce a `./configure && make && make image` but if the
environment for building the release was published, or easier to find,
I'm sure there would be a lot more community support. At one point I
kicked myself for not looking in CVS before, but when I got in there,
was in disbelief -- no source, only doc.

So now I have problems with my image to resolve, why do those Belkin
cards detect as reltek under RH but, none of the Bering modules will
work with them??? How will I ever get my tulips back from my boss so I
can test an image at home? What am I going to do about making an image
and quickly changing a few parameters (ssh host keys, network, firewall
and other site information) or major structure (LaBera, ppp, ipsec,
dns) without spending a ton of time hand extracting and compressing
components?  I'm going to make my own distribution. reBering. Complete
with scripts to mount and extract all the subcomponents, global
configure, mix'n'match packages, compress and unmount. Only I don't
think I can call it GNU because since I'm in a hurry, I won't have time
to reverse engineer the compile time options and source. I'd rather work
on putting it on an eprom anyway.

In all sincerity, Bering is very cool. It could just be a lot better
if it was more in the spirit of _encouraging_ open source development
rather than barley qualifying, actually I bet if it was audited, it
wouldn't pass.  If there are scripts to tar and gzip a lrp package,
why aren't they part of a tools.tgz right beside package_src.tgz and
compile_configs.tgz next to the Leaf_UML packages and extraction
instructions for odd archives? I know asking for doc is a lot, but
maintaining a file of command lines used to make the binaries from
source would be an excellent first step.

// George

GEORGE GEORGALIS, System Admin/Architect    cell: 347-451-8229 
Security Services, Web, Mail,            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
File, Print, DB and DNS Servers. 

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