Hello List

Every now and then there are questions about a web-based configuration tool. 
I did create one for shorewall ( low version) for some time. useing a webscript. 
There are however a lot of traps on webbased tools.
Thinking about a new  webbased configuration tools, I have a few remarks and 

1 Do we need one. ?

2.If yes for what do we need one:
     do we want to set a few items f.e restart a server, or rotate a log manually, 
the firewall. Or: do we want to completely configurate a Leaf box. 
- if it is only to take a connection down or something alike look at routerst.lrp a 
webpage, with which you could run commands but not secure.

3. if  we want complete control then the method should be modular, as not every box 
is the same.   (f.e like webmin)

4. How about security.  everybody that can call the webpage could theoretically 
manipulate the router/firewall ( not something to sleep well ;) )

5 A tool like webmin would be nice but is it necessary, how often do you change the 
complete configuration and how large would  this package be:
Perl, adapted webmin. 

5b or a stripped down Webbased configuration, only for the basic setup f.e as shell 
script. With special wishes the user has to use lrcfg, edit files online or ssh into 

5c shows a certain file from the configuration menu ( based on lrcfg) in a input field 
a window. 
After editing post it back and it is read on the server and written allong to the 
appropriate location.

6 for the same size you get a sshd package with more security and more flexibility, 
but less graphically appealing and perhaps a little bit more difficult for a start.

7, Or is a configuration tool /disk helpfull.
to configure the box, put the disk in with a webmin alike server eventually in 
down version ( for "newbies") 
configure, backup etc and reboot without the server (more secure)

8. What I did with a previous isdn Dachstein version was create a "form" in txt 
There were only a few items to fill out.
After booting insert the disk run install and a shell script sets the configuration 
according to the wishes and tries to put up the connection with at the end some 
diagnostic tests.

9 should the configuration be always be available or only after a specific action.

Any reactions , hints are welcome. 

Eric Wolzak
member of the Bering Crew

PS these are personal opinions and thoughts.

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