On Thu, 05 Sep 2002 23:11:43 EST Guitarlynn wrote:

> On Thursday 05 September 2002 22:59, S Mohan wrote:
> > In the recent past, we have seen a lot of mail on partition size and
> > associated problems. I initially had problems with MSDOS 8.3 name
> > format and had to go thro' renaming object files. If we take the
> > netfilter objects, it is particularly difficult with the long names
> > where the difference comes only beyond the 8th character.
> Why not just tar the modules and stick the tar file on the floppy?
> WinZIP supports tar, doesn't it?  ;-)

If WinZip doesn't, or Mohan wants a free (as in beer and speech)
alternative, http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/ appears to have
native Win32 ports of GNU tar and gzip.

There are some other handy utilities there too (less, wget, sed,
make, patch, etc.) for those who want some of GNU/Linux
conveniences without a full Cygwin install.


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