On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 06:04:38 EST Kyle Fitch wrote:

> Brad-
>     Good news, I got the NIC's recognized and up. But now I have encountered
> another problem. I cannot access the internet from my internal network. I
> can ping the Bering machine from an internal host, and I can ping an
> internet host from the Bering machine. But I cannot ping an internet host
> from an internal network host. Thanks again for your help.

Sounds like a firewall problem if both NICs can ping their
respective zones, but you can't ping _through_ the firewall.  Have
you run a "tail -f /var/log/syslog" while attempting the ping
through the firewall?  The output there as well as a better
description of how the ping fails[1] might be useful.

I thought the default loc -> net policy was ACCEPT, so the
failing pings surprises me.  You might want to verify that you

  loc            net             ACCEPT

in /etc/shorewall/policy.  (If you want to allow all traffic from
loc -> net, anyhow.)

If you don't use that policy, you'll need to add

  ACCEPT          loc                 net           icmp    8

to /etc/shorewall/rules to allow echo requests through.

Something else to check is that you have /etc/shorewall/interfaces
set properly.  By default eth0==net and eth1==loc.  Use "ip addr"
to verify that is the case in your setup.


[1] http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

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