On 11 Sep 2002 11:47:22 -0700
"Stephen Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 2002-09-11 at 11:16, Jacques Nilo wrote:
> > On Wednesday 11 September 2002 15:09, David Shu wrote:
> > > Hi Jacques,
> > >
> > > Firstly thanks for the great work with the berings firewall.  Your
> > > documentation is second to none and I've found it very easy to get
> > > things working despite my limited knowledge and experience with
> > > *nix.
> > >
> > > I've just enabled my router/firewall to be serially accessed through
> > > a terminal console and all seems to be working fine till I edit
> > > files.  Some how, there seems to be a severe lag and refresh line
> > > going through the screen everytime I move down or up a line.  Is
> > > this a known bug?  Or have I possibly done something wrong.
> > >
> > > I've not changed anything from your recommended values (Serial Port
> > > 1, baud 19200).  I'm using secureCRT with similar values to access
> > > the router (I tried TeraTerm with similar results).  Like I said
> > > before, there are no problems till I edit files (I've tried e3,
> > > e3vi, ae).  All other times everything is displaying well and
> > > smoothly..
> > >
> > > Any ideas?
> > I understand that you only have that pb when using the editor (by the
> > way e3, e3vi and ae are all linked to the same program ...)
> > I am forwarding your mail to the leaf-user list for assistance on this
> > mater since I never user serial connection myself
> > Any idea anyone ?
> > Jacques
> I have the same "refresh" problem when communicating with the serial
> port to Bering 1.0rc2 via Minicom. It's a bear to edit anything with
> e3vi. There must be some com setting that can fix this problem...

If there was a way to fix it (which I doubt there is), it would be a
setting with e3.  It is just really slow because of the way it repaints
the screen.  vim has no problems.  There has to be some tradeoff with

Chad Carr                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In remembrance
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