Whence did you get ssh[d].lrp?

This is an issue that I've encountered with mmap enabled on some, but
not all, dachstein boxen; which is supposedly attributable to 2.2x
kernels . . .

Warren Post wrote:
> ssh is running on our Dachstein box, but I can't access it. When I try
> to ssh into the Dachstein box on a workstation on the local network,
> PuTTY chokes with "Connection closed by remote host". PuTTY's log says
> nothing useful, but the /var/log/auth.log on the Dachstein box contains
> this line corresponding to my every ssh attempt:
> sshd [number_changes]: fatal: mmap (65536): Invalid argument
> We're using Dachstein 1.0.2 with the following configuration:
> * Our local network is, not Dachstein's default
> * Dachstein's DHCP is turned off to not interfere with our local
> network's preexisting DHCP server.
> * Booting from a hard disk, not a floppy.
> I notice lots of DENY references to 192.168.0.x in /etc/ipfilter.conf,
> and suspect this to be the problem, but don't know enough to deal with
> this intelligently.
> Yes, ssh is running (so says ps) and privilege separation is implemented.
> With the exception of this issue, the Dachstein box is working
> perfectly. Thanks Charles and everyone!


Best Regards,

mds resource

Dare to fix things before they break . . .

Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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