At 09:38 AM 11/23/02 -0800, Stephen Lee wrote:
On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 08:39, Ray Olszewski wrote:
> If you mean set the I/O address in the NIC, then NO module can do this. To
> do it, you need a configuration program for your NIC. You can use the one
> the manufacturer provides (which will be DOS or Windows based, invariably)
> or you can see if Don Becker's site (I forget the URL; try Google) has a
> config program for your NIC.
> If you mean tell the module what the NIC's I/O address is ... this
> parameter, if available, is module specific. Either tell us what NICs are
> involved or consult the source code for the relevant module to see what
> options it supports. Or just try "io=0x300, 0x320", using the values
> appropriate to your system) and see if you get lucky. But most modern
> modules (maybe all of them) know how to autoprobe, so should not need this
> sort of intervention.

I have RTL8139C nics. The 3 possibilities contributed in this thread so
far include a dead nic, overlapping i/o addresses or insufficient IRQs.
The 4th nic added (but not detected) isn't dead as it works on its own
on another box so that theory is out. if 2 of the nics have the same i/o
address then I guess I'll have to reassign it with the DOS utility.As
for running out of IRQs, how do I address that, since they are pci
cards? In the bios perhaps?  Finally,
RTL8139 is a chipset, not a NIC. In this context, this is not a quibble ... although all RTL8139-based NICs use the rtl8139 kernel module, their configuration is manufacturer specific. That said ... in my own actual experience, pci NICs using this chipset do not require configuration, instead getting io and irq values from the BIOS. Occasionally, prople report finding mobos with BIOSs that don't configure NICs right. Unless you have one of those rare mobos, you might want to check these mobo possibilities:

1. Is the BIOS set to PnP-OS = NO? (So the BIOS will configure pci cards, not wait for the OS to do it.)

2. Are all the NICs being plugged into working pci slots? Many mobos have a pair of slots, one isa, the other pci, that "share" a bus location ... which means that only one of the two slots can be used at any time. (I think you select which one works in the BIOS menus somewhere, but it's been a long time since I've run into this problem, so my memory is hazy.)

3. IRQ assignments can be affected by BIOS settings, typically ones that let you choose between assigning some IRQs to the pci bus or to "legacy" (read: isa) uses. The details of the BIOS settings can vary quite a bit, so you'll just have to look at what you have.

It is really hard to say much about these BIOS-level issues without knowing what mobo and BIOS you are running (and, in many cases, actually seeing the setup menus, something I know of no sane way to do via e-mail). This is especially true with LEAF routers, since they often resurrect quite old hardware, which might have pci limitations we've forgotten about because newer mobo/BIOS combinations have eliminated them.

-------------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"--------
Ray Olszewski -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, California, USA [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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