Le Jeudi 27 Mars 2003 21:46, Scott Merrill a écrit :
> I've seen some posts (here and on the Shorewall list) about OpenVPN, so I
> thought I'd take a look.  I like what I see, and I'd like to try to
> implement it on LEAF/Bering.
> Getting OpenVPN compiled for Bering is problematic, though.  I followed the
> Bering UML instructions for creating a virtual slink environment for
> compiling userland programs, but the compilation of OpenVPN produced a
> binary that did not contain tun/tap device support (since it couldn't find
> the appropriate kernel bits).
> I tried linking 2.4.20's /usr/src/linux/include/linux/if_tun.h into the
> virtual slink's /usr/include/linux/, but make throws an error about the
> tun.c portion of OpenVPN.
> I tried compiling OpenVPN on both Debian woody and Red Hat 7.3, but running
> this binary segfaults on Bering.
> This is my first stab at compiling something for Bering myself.  Is it
> possible to compile OpenVPN against slink's glibc and the newer Bering
> kernel?
Yes it is and I did it for you and for this nice community too ...
The package is here:
It is statically compiled against openssl 0.9.7a and lzo 1.08
It is untested so please any feedback would be appreciated
do not forget to load the ifconfig.lrp package from Charles site
You also need to create:
mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
and load the tun.o module if you are using the tun/tap driver setup.

Also a volunteer for a Bering new user's guide chapter would be appreciated...


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