On Sun, 8 Jun 2003 21:43:31 +0200 "eric wolzak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote....

> # all steps in one liners ;)
> mkdir /temp
> mount -t msdos /dev/fd0u1680  /mnt
> cp /mnt/etc.lrp  /temp
> cd /temp
> tar -xzf  etc.lrp

        Here's what I get trying it with Bering 1.2:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]$ tar xzf etc.lrp 
tar: etc/multicron-p: Cannot create symlink to `cron.daily/multicron-d':
Operation not permitted
tar: var/lib/lrpkg/etc.version: Cannot create symlink to `root.version':
Operation not permitted
tar: etc/cron.monthly/multicron-m: Cannot create symlink to
`../cron.daily/multicron-d': Operation not permitted
tar: etc/cron.weekly/multicron-w: Cannot create symlink to
`../cron.daily/multicron-d': Operation not permitted
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

        I tried it as root also, and got even more errors... I'm trying to modify
it for serial port output.. 

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