
> > > Port Knocking to trigger remote vpn/ssh access
> > ?
> > 
> I'm referring to the method of accessing closed external ports using a
> predefined sequence of connection attempts across one or more ports. As
> described in the Jun 2003 SysAdmin article, "The log is monitored for
> specific port sequences that encode information used to modify firewall
> rules, which are changed to open or close ports for a specific IP
> address." I'm certain this will be possible using LEAF.
This should be possible but I never have seen specific programms for 
this purpose. Maybe snort (snort.lrp) or portsentry (psentry.lrp) 
will do this job. 

> > > Fastest available link should be chosen when redundant paths exist.
> > > 
> > not currently implemented (multipath) but on the todo list for the 
> > zebra (quagga) packages.
> It was my understanding that BGP would take care of this. Maybe I didn't
> accurately describe my parameters. When I said "fastest link" I meant
> the one with the most available bandwidth at a given point in time.
> Linux magazine recently had a pretty good article about dynamic routing
> protocols.In the Mar 2004 issue it clearly describes load balancing
> capabilities of BGP-4.
> If my understanding of BGP is correct, what is it that you are saying is
> not currently implemented?
The following compile setting is left to default (1), but will be set 
to 0 with the next release.

Enable support for Equal Cost Multipath. ARG is the maximum number of 
ECMP paths to allow, set to 0 to allow unlimited number of paths. 

But that has indeed nothing todo with selecting the fastest link, if 
the cost are different the fastest link will be choosen by the 
routing daemon.

Eric Spakman

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