On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 10:57, Eric Spakman wrote:
> Cal,
> > > > Port Knocking to trigger remote vpn/ssh access
> > > ?
> > > 
> > 
> > I'm referring to the method of accessing closed external ports using a
> > predefined sequence of connection attempts across one or more ports. As
> > described in the Jun 2003 SysAdmin article, "The log is monitored for
> > specific port sequences that encode information used to modify firewall
> > rules, which are changed to open or close ports for a specific IP
> > address." I'm certain this will be possible using LEAF.
> > 
> This should be possible but I never have seen specific programms for 
> this purpose. Maybe snort (snort.lrp) or portsentry (psentry.lrp) 
> will do this job. 

I've written Perl scripts to monitor logs in the past. Should just be a
matter of triggering the "rule-mod" event on log content, then getting
the daemon to re-read the rules.

> > > > Fastest available link should be chosen when redundant paths exist.
> > > > 
> > > not currently implemented (multipath) but on the todo list for the 
> > > zebra (quagga) packages.
> > 
> > It was my understanding that BGP would take care of this. Maybe I didn't
> > accurately describe my parameters. When I said "fastest link" I meant
> > the one with the most available bandwidth at a given point in time.
> > Linux magazine recently had a pretty good article about dynamic routing
> > protocols.In the Mar 2004 issue it clearly describes load balancing
> > capabilities of BGP-4.
> > 
> > If my understanding of BGP is correct, what is it that you are saying is
> > not currently implemented?
> > 
> The following compile setting is left to default (1), but will be set 
> to 0 with the next release.
> --enable-multipath=ARG
> Enable support for Equal Cost Multipath. ARG is the maximum number of 
> ECMP paths to allow, set to 0 to allow unlimited number of paths. 
> But that has indeed nothing todo with selecting the fastest link, if 
> the cost are different the fastest link will be choosen by the 
> routing daemon.

So, to get this functionality now, I'd need to set this flag
appropriately and recompile. In my example topology, 3 of the routers
have 2 paths to each of the other two. I don't think I currently have
more than 2 links to the same destination. However, depending upon the
reliability of these, we may add an on-demand dial-up link for
emergencies. We also may have access to building-to-building fiber links
sometime in the future as well. Any idea when the next release will be

So, as long as I have multi-paths set to greater than 1, the routing
daemons should be able to accomplish load balancing of the links.


--Cal Webster

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