Hello James! If software is like fine art then nothing is finished
(perfected), only abandoned. There is always something to improve. But
in lots of ways, leaf does appear to be complete. The only thing
lacking perhaps, is better usability, not features. It seems that
upgrading a leaf box can be quite a challenge for many. Though I must
say, it is not a big deal for me, due the extensive changes I've made
(read, bastardization :).

Anyhow, I feel that lrcfg is in need of a major overhaul. I’m sure many
will disagree, but, you can’t start/stop services from within lrcfg.
And it would be nice to be able to save a package while in a package
menu (incidentally, I added this capability :). Another problem with
lrcfg is that once you have more than 20 config options they scroll off
the screen.

Btw, you had mentioned something a while back about a high-level tool
that could setup/configure a leaf box from A-to-Z. I was working on
wizard-like setup tool that could run off a bootable CD, but ultimately
decided it probably wasn’t what people wanted. I base this theory on
the fact that few people request this sort of thing and the fact that
Lince never really took off, what do you think? –cpu

James Neave wrote:

>Maybe it's been perfected? ^^

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