Amplifying on my last post, the most recent documentation suggests the
following example (slightly modified for my situation), but will not

# version from (does not load)
#RESTORE:F   -           -               tcp
#CONTINUE:F  -           -               tcp     -       -       -       !0
#1:F         -           -               ipp2p   ipp2p
#SAVE:F      -           -               tcp     -       -       -       1
#1:50        -           eth0            -       -       -       -       1
#1:50        -           eth1            -       -       -       -       1

I get the following error:

iptables: Unknown error -1
   ERROR: Command "/sbin/iptables -t mangle -A tcpost -m mark --mark
1/255 -o eth0 -j CLASSIFY --set-class 1:50" Failed

If I modify it ever so slightly, it will load, but doesn't classify
traffic properly:

# modified version from (loads OK)
RESTORE:F   -           -               tcp
CONTINUE:F  -           -               tcp     -       -       -       !0
1:F         -           -               ipp2p   ipp2p
SAVE:F      -           -               tcp     -       -       -       1
50:F        -           eth0            -       -       -       -       1
50:F        -           eth1            -       -       -       -       1

i.e. I've taken the 1:50 and removed the 1: so something is going on there...

I'm probably not understanding the examples properly at this point.
All I want is for all p2p traffic to be marked class 50.

-- Bob

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