Bob Ramstad wrote:
> On 5/11/06, Bob Ramstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I see 22 connections with mark=1 right now, and 7 with mark=0 right
>> now... and I suspect that if all 22 mark=1 connections were being set
>> to class 50, the system would be behaving as I'd like.
> I really thought I had it, but again, stymied.  I came to the
> conclusion that the connection was being marked, but the packets
> obviously were not... so when RTFM I stumbled the documentation for
> TEST :C in tcrules for matching a connection flag vs matching a packet
> flag, and modified the last line in my recipe:
> RESTORE:F   -           -               tcp
> CONTINUE:F  -           -               tcp     -       -       -       !0
> 1:F         -           -               ipp2p   ipp2p
> SAVE:F      -           -               tcp     -       -       -       1
> 50          -           -               -       -       -       -       1:C

That's because, except for the first p2p packet, all of the rest are
getting packet mark = 1 -- not 50.

Switch the third rule to 50:F and ditch the 5th rule.

Tom Eastep    \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline,     \
PGP Public Key   \

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