Sounds familiar...

I had the same problem when trying to compile the GeoIP module into 
iptables. Turns out this version of iptables is very non-descriptive and 
shows this error if you forgot to load a (dependant) kernel module.


cpu memhd wrote:
> Hello,
> This is something I ran into a long time ago. When ucbering 2.x went from
> iptables 1.3.1 to 1.3.5, I noticed that shorewall went from:
> Connection Tracking Match: Available
> To:
> Connection Tracking Match: Not available
> I wasn't quite sure if this was a self inflicted wound since I compile my
> own kernel and packages, so I stayed with iptables 1.3.1 but upgraded all
> the other packages. With ucBering 3.1 I'm now using iptables 1.3.5 and I
> want to use conntrack with the --ctorigdst option but it doesn't work:
> iptables conntrack "Unknown error -1"
> Doesn't work with any option, actually.
> On my older boxes with iptables 1.3.1 it works fine.
> -cpu
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