Victor McAllister wrote:
> Write protected hardware requires physical access to the LEAF box. A 
> software write protect has the advantage that you can set and unset the 
> read and write access to the boot media with putty, ssh. I use two 
> scripts loaded by local.lrp. Granted this is a little cumbersome because 
> you have to keep a copy of  three modules on your desktop machine and 
> scp / winscp them over as needed. If you command a reboot, the machine 
> is restored to read write status since the scripts are only run manually 
> via ssh.

I'm kind of puzzled why you would not run the delete script at boottime. 
How can you be sure that the system won't reboot without you knowing it?

Statements as to computer security have been around since the early 
days. "No system is ever really secure". "If you want to make a system 
completely secure, you should enclose it in concrete and drop it in the 
ocean". "All barriers fail if someone can get physical access to the 

Which roughly translates in that the highest level of security is 
reached by a system that is console operated only (and not connected to 
other computers, but that's not an option in this case). In regards to 
LRP and LEAF I've always respected that rule and never added any remote 
access to the box. No ssh, no https.


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