So it seems like I'm on the right track in general, which is mostly
what I wanted to know. It doesn't sound like PCI wireless NICs are all
that stable on Windows, let alone Linux 2.4, so it would be a
crapshoot as to whether or not I'd end up with a useful card.

Every so often, I entertain the idea of using a USB NIC, but then
remember that I don't want the added hassle of a USB NIC.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Brent Gardner <> wrote:
> Another option would be to buy another wired NIC and a wireless AP
> supporting the wireless technology of your choice.
> Bridge the new wired NIC to your 'internal' NIC, connect the new NIC to
> a LAN (not WAN) port on the wireless AP, and you should be good to go.
This may be the most feasible and long-term option. More feasible
since wired NIC drivers are pretty stable on Linux. Long term since
PCI is heading the way of the floppy and I'd probably be able to reuse
an external AP should I ever replace my LEAF system. I'm also trying
to avoid cards that require ndiswrapper which counts out about 80% of
cards available on Newegg.

Luckily, I've got plenty of spare wired NICs.



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