My Shorewall problem is solved for practical purposes, but now I am curious :-)

So what is the dhcpcd configuration option "background" good for? The
documentation says:

             Background immediately.  This is useful for startup scripts which
             don't disable link messages for carrier status.

What (if anything) have I given up by commenting out "background"?

What would have to be done for Shorewall to start successfully with
the dhcpcd "background" option turned on?

Seems to me from Leaf's point of view, while in a perfect world
Shorewall's startup scripts could cope with dhcpcd's background, the
pragmatic answer is that Leaf's dhcpcd and shorewall package defaults
should be compatible.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Erich Titl <> wrote:
> Hi
> Am 20.01.2015 um 17:30 schrieb Timothy Wegner:
>> Hi kp,
>> You were exactly right! As you suggested  I commented out the bottom
>> line of /etc/dhcpcd.conf:
>> #background
>> and then shorewall started OK.
> My 0.02€ (can't use swiss francs anymore, too expensive)
> It cannot be the resposibility of dhcpcd to make sure shorewall starts
> correctly. It is the bloody duty of the init proces that starts
> shorewall to check for dependencies and handle errors gracefully.
> We did have  similar issues in the past, for example using PCMCIA
> network cards, the same is true for ipsec without a reasonable clock
> (which we had). We may need a new way of detecting dependencies in the
> init scripts.
> cheers
> Erich
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