Rob Seaman scripsit:

> >Why should mumans on Mars or the Moon, care about the rotation of
> >a rock they are not on when they want to time events ?
> Well, because they likely want to communicate with their families back  
> on Earth, I suppose, but again you are making my point.  What are you  
> asserting here?  That people living on Mars will clearly want to keep  
> Martian time?  I believe that completely.  Martian civil time will  
> clearly be mean solar time on Mars.

Ah, but will Lunar civil time be mean solar time on Luna?

> Ignore everything else we've ever discussed.  The central issue with  
> several of us is that the meaning of the UTC standard should not be  
> changed.  If a decision (ideally a calm, reasoned and publicly  
> transparent decision) is made to relayer civil timekeeping on a clock  
> without leap seconds, then don't call that clock "UTC".

As you know, I support that.

> How about calling it - say - GPS?  The public already knows GPS,  
> already owns devices that speak it, and already regards it as a brand  
> name denoting high precision/accuracy timekeeping.

I think the public associates GPS with location rather than time.

> This is a misuse of the multiple meanings of the word "universal".  My  
> TV receives a cable channel called "Universal HD".  Should I take them  
> to court for misrepresentation?  What about Universal Studios or a  
> universal remote control?

The World Series does seem an egregiously stupid name, though.

Even the best of friends cannot                 John Cowan
attend each others' funeral.          
        --Kehlog Albran, The Profit   
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