> @Warner, UTC-SLS is simply a clearly written way to reconcile UTC to
> practical computing/business. I wish it was a recognised standard, but
> it isn't. That places me in the position of making it a de facto
> standard unless I receive a suitable alternative proposal. 8 million+
> Java developers are the market here.

Make it a standard please. I beg of you.

A bad standard that everyone follows is better than no standard where
everyone does a different thing.

If Java adopts UTC-SLS then .NET will as well, and POSIX will follow.

Remember that UTC-SLS *is* Posix compliant.

It doesn't matter whether the clock ramp is 1:1000 or 1:12345 so long
as everyone knows what the preferred value ought to be so they can
copy the implementation.

Also make sure that, whatever you do, there is example code that
people can copy so that other frameworks that want to mirror-implement
can do so without having to think too hard.

There is nothing like nice example code to make an implementation go


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