Paul J. Ste. Marie said:
>> Hmm. In the UK the working timetable (not the public one) is written to a 
>> precision of half a minute.
> This wasn't the timetable. Its main purpose, as I understood it, was to 
> provide a record of where trains were, or where the dispatchers thought they 
> were, in the event of an accident.


> The logged locations weren't stops on the lines. 

Hmm, they may well be logging each track circuit transition (I belive that
SSIs here do that). In which case a second is about the right granularity;
TRs normally have a delayed pick of a couple of seconds for safety reasons,
and the reporting time from trackside module to interlocking runs on a
basic cycle of several hundred milliseconds. So a 1 second error isn't
going to faze anyone.

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