On 18 Nov 2011, at 16:48, Clive D.W. Feather wrote:

> Paul J. Ste. Marie said:
>>> Hmm. In the UK the working timetable (not the public one) is written to a 
>>> precision of half a minute.
>> This wasn't the timetable. Its main purpose, as I understood it, was to 
>> provide a record of where trains were, or where the dispatchers thought they 
>> were, in the event of an accident.
> Okay.
>> The logged locations weren't stops on the lines. 
> Hmm, they may well be logging each track circuit transition

Track circuits?  In manually-signalled USA?

Anyway, the average freight train in the USA is 6500 feet long (ie 
substantially over a mile) and travels at an average of around 20mph, or at 
most 30mph.  So it takes around two minutes to pass a point.  Timing that to a 
precision of a second seems a excessive.  Each vehicle is of the order 20m 
long, so at those sorts of speed is going to take over a second to pass.


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