On 06/04/2017 02:54 PM, QWeRKUS qwErkus wrote:
> Thank you for your reply. JTAG seems even trickier than serial. So far
> all my attempts to scan for a valid JTAG chain end up with:
> Error: JTAG scan chain interrogation failed: all zeroes
> There a just too many variables to check for a newbie like myself, so
> I guess I'll go with the spi programmer. Turns out this is another
> thing the pi can do (via flashrom) so no need for new hardware. Are
> you sure you need to desolder the chip though ? Shouldn't this be
> working with a 8 pin SOIC clamp and and external 3.3V power source (I
> have an old ATX PSU doing the job) ?
It should, but in some cases it does not (depends from how the board was 
designed) and in those situations you need to desolder the chip. I got 
most of these "cases where it does not work" in PC and laptop boards though.

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