Well it was not all a dream after all !
Will be setting off to ER in half an hour or so. Before 5pm or whenever last 
night I was expecting to travel to the game hoping for a good performance and a 
win, and expecting to get behind Brian and the team, but now I am just 
I really do not know how to feel or react - we are in turmoil, the OS still 
does not mention the sacking or the take over, so I do not know who will be in 
charge of either the club, or, more importantly the team. Rumour has it Festa 
will be manager and there may be any number of Italians from 0 to 4 depending 
on whose twitter you believe.
Do I chant McDermotts name (probably) even though recent results make his 
sacking almost reasonable albeit a bit premature. Do I boo GFH - will they be 
there ?
.Do I boo some Italian who may or not buy the club? I know nothing about him 
other than he has fraud convictions and , like many foreign owners, likes to 
sack managers quickly. If he has the money and pumps it into the club isn't 
that what we have all be calling for ?

Will any demonstrations or abuse change his mind about buying the club ? Will 
it affect the FL when they look at fit and proper person ?

What happens when the game kicks off , do I ignore it and concentrate on 
ownership etc or cheer the players and get behind them - does that include 
Varney after his refusal to play on Tuesday or was his stance warranted , the 
same with Ross, do I give him a hero's welcome after his comments yesterday 
which I approved of at the time or is he the selfish Judas that Simon Jordan 
tried to paint him ?

Confusion reigns in my head, I am sure a few pints, a good shot of morphine and 
a chin wag with my son (making his first appearance of the season) and my mates 
will sort me out

I will do a match report and try and let those of you far away know what the 
atmosphere was like and how fans have reacted

Whatever I still want 3 points !!!!!!!

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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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