Thanks for the update Paula, we're all rooting for you and Steve. Hope he has a 
better day today, tell him to hurry up and get better, we miss his banter!

> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 23:33:22 +0000
> Subject: [LU] Update
> 27/2/2014 - 10pm - Not a very good day today.  Still running high fevers.
> Doctor took IV line out of artery in neck as thought that may be the reason
> for it. They were talking about the possibility of putting others back in.
> They continue to do loads of blood tests.  His kidneys have moved in to
> doing double time, but instead of taking fluid out of tissue, they are
> taking the fluid he drinks and running it through his system super fast.
> They want him to drink more and I told them again...he has a very small
> stomach and the stuff they are feeding him 24/7 by the tube to his stomach
> is keeping his stomach full and he will never be able to drink enough to
> combat what the kidneys are doing until you back the tube food off.  He then
> will be able to drink and feel like eating.  It might have sunk in as they
> are finally stopping the tube feed for part of the day.  I am making his
> lunch and now will make his tea and take it in insulated containers and feed
> him as he cannot do it himself and he hates the taste of the hospital
> is quite awful.  After a mouthful or two, he quits. That is partly
> due to the tube feeding.  They got him pretty stirred up after the night
> staff decided to totally bathe, moisturise and re-bandage both legs at 2am
> last night so it would save them time in the morning.  This is a man who has
> just come from being unconscious battling a life threatening disease and has
> had exactly one nights sleep since he woke up just so they can save some
> time the next day.  I was livid.  He was in pain and so stressed after that
> ordeal. He hasn't been comfortable all day.  I will be taking not only his
> lunch but now his tea in insulated containers so I know what is in it and
> that it tastes good so he will eat it, along with the juices, milk and
> whatever else I think he will drink.  His lips have been so dry that they
> crack and bleed and he can't have anything put on his lips that has Vaseline
> or "petroleum" products in then due to the oxygen he is having to be on
> because they are flammable.  I was told the hospital didn't have anything
> that didn't contain these products so I could either go down to the hospital
> shop to see if they had anything (they didn't) or find something at a shop
> "outside the hospital".  Thank you medical staff!  The physical therapy
> people didn't show up either.  One of the nurses told me that didn't like
> coming on the infectious disease ward so they didn't see them very often.
> Steve is there for the duration of his stay as far as I is he
> supposed to have this therapy if they don't show up?  There are some other
> issues going on which I do believe that I will have to be in contact with
> the Patient Advice and Liaison Service about.  Today I didn't know if I was
> coming or going.  Why does getting well have to be so dang hard?  Its
> driving me crazy trying to makes sense of what the people who are suppose to
> be helping him are doing, or in some cases, not doing.  Going to trey to go
> get some sleep. 4am telephone call to the ward comes early.
> Thanks,
> Paula
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> John 'Grampa' Sykes
> Rest In Peace old lad
> 28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013
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Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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