Driving home and listening to Noel Whelan and the RL team I wondered whether I 
had been at the same game. For me this was a poor quality game littered with 
poor passing, mistimed tackles, missed chances and poor control all over the 
pitch from both teams but I'd say mainly us as we had the lions share of 

I thought we started really brightly shooting towards the Kop, with Byram, 
Cook, Taylor and especially Mowatt all looking lively and we created one or two 
decent the hearest coming from a great move which Byram side footed just past 
the post. It would have been a great goal.

Unfortunately it didn't last long and we faded badly and let a poor Millwall 
side back in to the game. Our defence looked amateurish a times and Millwall 
should have equalised with a couple of good chances the best ending up in the 
side netting.

On 30 minutes we got a free kick. Mowatt, our liveliest player in the first 
half hit it well and with the help of someone's head in the wall ended up in 
the back of the net. 

The goal made them push forward more which helped us to produce a strong end to 
the half with Morrison finding Rudy at the back post. His flying volley was 
more spectacular than threatening. The finally the chance of the half with the 
hard running Morrison latching on to a poor backpass. The keeper came storming 
out and all Morrison had to do was chip it over him or take it around him 
instead he lacked conviction and did neither and the keeper won the challenge. 
It typified Morrison's game at the moment. He got himself into the right 
position but failed to convert. 

So 1-0 up was probably deserved even though we'd struggled for most of the 
half. Millwall looked like a team that could offer little. 

Second half was pretty dire. Loads of effort but basic errors from both teams 
led to a game littered with mistakes. Lewis Cook was lively throughout and had 
a number of good runs but time after time he gave the ball away cheaply. Once 
he cuts this out of his game he will be a top player but today he showed he's 
got a lot to learn. 

There's not much else to say other than Millwall had a few decent chances, 
Silvestri flapped at crosses and we caught them on the break time after time 
but Morrison , Wooton and sub Antenucci ( for Rudy) squandered the lot. In 
Antenucci's case he missed in my opinion the 2 best chances of the game. The 
first he ballooned in to the South stand as the ball was played to him. At very 
least he should have tested the keeper, it was a bad miss. And the second was a 
good run from him which he only had to roll inside to Mowatt for a certain 
goal, instead he inexplicably rolled it forward into the keeper's hands. 
Another striker lacking in confidence and his case minutes in the pitch. 

Then Scott Wooton had a clear header in the box , but he just David 
Weatheralled it over the bar. piss poor. 

The only notable other chance was an excellent run and shot from Murphy which 
was well saved.

Milwall had one final chance when sub Ricardo Fuller created a great chance and 
shot well into the side netting. I thought it was in. I don't think Millwall 
deserved anything but it wouldn't have been a travesty if they had, they had 
enough chances and I'd ignore the 2 clean sheets stats and watch the game back 
and look at the indecision, bad marking, poor clearances throughout the back 
four. It was poor defending throughout.


Silvestri - 5 Mr Flappy, needs to sort this out.

Wooton - 3. Wank.

Bamba - 6. Our best defender but him and Bellusci did not play well together in 
my opinion.

Bellusci - 4. He is all over the shop, don't rate him as a central defender. 

Taylor - 6. I thought he contributed well going forward. My main concern is 
when he's on the back foot, he doesn't look like a natural defender to me.

Cook - 6. I think that was one of his poorest games he's had but he was still 
bloody lively and covered as much ground as anyone.

Mowatt - 7. I thought he did well in spells and scored a good goal however I'm 
not sure he has the legs to be really threatening on the left wing.

Murphy - 7. Probably one of the best games I've seen him have without being 
spectacular. He was tidy on the ball, linked up well, had one decent shot and 
generally was consistent in the middle of the park. I despair at times still 
with his corners and crosses which just plop over with no conviction.

Austin - 6. Playing in advanced role , almost has a second striker he made his 
mark without really creating too much. 

Morrison - 5. Some good play, some good defensive headers, some good link up 
play and lots of effort but he looks goal shy and lacking in confidence. He 
should have scored today. I do still think he is the best option and I think 
when he gets his goal he will go on to better things. It's due though !

Byram - 7. Started really well, his chance was cover and unlucky. I think he 
would score regularly playing in that Austin role centrally. I think he gets 
lost in the right wing. He's a young Steven Gerard.


Antenucci - 5 looked lively but messed up the 2 best chances of the game.

Crowd - 24,000 exactly with very few from Millwall. Yes they moan about ticket 
arrangements etc but there's no real excuse for such a poor turnout. Let's face 
facts they are a third division club.

12th now apparently. I just want a few more wins to ensure we don't get 
relegated. I don't think we are a good team ....... But we are young and 
hopefully will improve with a few more wins / goals.

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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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